Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein belonging to the transferrin class. It is found in various tissues and body fluids such as milk, tears, saliva and respiratory secretions. Lactoferrin plays an important role in the immune system and has several potential medical and functional applications.

Structural formula of lactoferrin
Antimicrobial features
Lactoferin has the ability to bind to iron, which is essential for microbes to grow and reproduce. This results in the inhibition of the growth of various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses and fungi. The mechanisms underlying this antimicrobial effect include competition for iron, neutralization of toxins, and induction of apoptosis (programmed cell death) in infected cells.

It can modulate the body's immune response. It can stimulate the production of cytokines such as interleukins and tumor necrosis factors, which help activate the immune system in response to infection and inflammation.

Supporting intestinal health
It plays an important role in protecting the intestinal lining. It can help balance the gut microbiota, which is important for digestion, and prevent pathogens from entering the intestinal tract.

Anti-inflammatory qualities
Helps to reduce inflammation in the body by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins and other mediators of inflammation.

Antitumor еfficacy
Some studies suggest that lactoferrin may have anti-tumor activity by inhibiting tumor growth and metastasis.

Some studies suggest that lactoferrin may have anti-cancer properties and may help prevent the development of certain cancers — source.
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